The General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679 of April 26th, 2016, “GDPR” or “Regulation”) is applicable from May 2018. Compliance with the new rules on personal data protection poses particular challenges to public and private sector institutions. It also raises several questions. How does data protection strengthen citizens’ rights? What specific answers does the Regulation provide for technological developments? Which benefits does the Regulation bring to the economy, to data subjects and to companies?
The Jean Monnet Module on European Union Data Protection Law in Portugal (DataporEU) aims at promoting a reflection on the importance of protecting personal data, as well as at fostering awareness on data protection: namely to inform citizens that, as owners of personal data, they need to know their rights and how to enforce them.

Para celebrar um ano de vigência do Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (“RGPD”) o Observatório da Proteção de Dados Read more
Autoridade disse que falta transparência e informação oferecida pela empresa é insatisfatória A autoridade francesa de proteção de dados anunciou Read more
Nota de Prensa La Autoridad Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales (APDP) del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos sancionó Read more
Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia Comunicado de Imprensa n.° 2/19 Luxemburgo,10 de janeiro de 2019 Conclusões do advogado-geral no Read more