The Yearbook of Personal Data Protection Law is an open-access legal journal that aims to disseminate doctrinal studies on the right to personal data protection
The Yearbook has been edited since 2018 by the Observatory of Personal Data Protection, a research group created in 2016 at CEDIS-Center for R&D on Law and Society of NOVA School of Law.
The Observatory is open to all those interested and currently includes eleven researchers (three with PhDs) from law schools (professors and doctoral students), companies, and the public sector.
The six articles published in the 2021 edition of the Yearbook are the result of a call launched in September 2020 on the Observatory’s website. The texts then underwent a blind peer-review process and were subsequently revised by the Yearbook coordinators.
The fourth issue of the Yearbook, published in 2021, is freely available here.

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