For the last session of the curricular unit of Data Protection and Management Law (of the Master’s in Business and Technology Law “Law&Tech” and the Master’s in International and European Law), on 29th of November 2021, at 6 pm, Professor Maria Graça Canto Moniz organized the Guest Professional Seminar ’21. This online seminar was open to the community, focusing on the topic of “The Role and Functions of the DPO in practice”.
The online session allowed the participants to learn from professional Data Protection Officers, invited to share their experiences and know-how in the field. The guest lecturers were Vasco Rosa Dias, DPO at INESC TEC (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência), and Júlia Magrani, PhD Candidate at NOVA School of Law and Consultant at Allianz Technology.
The session was recorded, and it is available here.

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